
A Knowledge Web Hub on Non-Revenue Water

The Knowledge Web Hub aims to support water professionals and utilities in developing and implementing Non-Revenue Water (NRW) programs and best practices. This Web Hub was created to provide free access to valuable resources—such as books, guidance notes, software, presentations, position papers, and more—focused on NRW management and control. By sharing these materials, the Hub seeks to promote best practices within the global NRW community and enhance the operational efficiency of water distribution networks.

Carbon Emissions



Welcome Global NRW

The global volume of NRW has been estimated to be 346 million cubic metres per day or 126 billion cubic metres per year. Conservatively valued at only USD 0.31 per cubic metre, the cost/value of water lost amounts to USD 39 billion per year. Not only is this an enormous financial concern, but elevated NRW also detracts from water utilities, in a time of increasing scarcity and climate change, from reaching their goals of full-service coverage, at a reliable level of service at an affordable price (Liemberger R., Wyatt A.).

The reasons for controlling Non-Revenue Water have been well documented and this web hub is designed to make freely available the learnings and latest information and developments in this field.

Ageing infrastructure and declining water resources are major concerns with a growing global population.  Controlling NRW has therefore become a priority for water utilities around the world.  To improve their efficiencies, water utilities need to apply good practice of reducing both real and apparent Losses.

Key Points

To deal with NRW in an effective manner, particularly from networks in water scarce areas, water utility managers are increasingly turning to technology to reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve reliability.

Companies that continuously invest in technology and innovation should see a positive return on investment in terms of improving daily operations and collection and analysis of network data for decision making and forward planning however not all companies have the necessary available revenue to invest in technical programs nor attend conferences around the world.

Methodologies for achieving the best results to reduce NRW are continuously evolving. Water companies and equipment manufacturers are increasingly working together in an effort to stretch the boundaries of current knowledge.

The available information and resources reflect the situation at the time of upload and please visit for continuous updates of available material.

A giant in the water industry Mr Roland Liemberger who passed away 18th May 2023 always commented and used this logo as his company statement ……….. ‘ The best things in life are Free’

Please enjoy the web hub and if you have any articles, papers, books knowledge or software you would like to share then please contact Stuart Hamilton or Bambos Charalambous on